First to my son, Maxwell Andre Weldon, Happy Birthday! After Mila, I prayed to have a son and God blessed me with you. It seems like only a few months ago that you were born, but it was a whole year. You have grown into a toddler. In just 12 months your personality has grown and I’m already seeing you as a kind, funny, curious little boy. Your coos have turned into words like “dank choo” (thank you), “buh bye”, and your little scooting has turned into standing up and taking steps. You are already making me proud and happy to see you growing stronger and smarter every day. I’m elated that God made me your mommy. 💞

This birthday is a big milestone for the both of us. It marks a year of going through the baby stages. Of course there is so much more growing and learning for Max to do and for me to teach him, but his infancy has come to an end. What a transformation this past year has been for me spiritually, physically and emotionally. Becoming a mom of 2 has been filled with figuring out new routines, trying to maximize my time, dying my hair for the first time in 3 years, working out consistently, making new friends and acquaintances and other positive things in my life. I truly believe it was having Maxwell that made me want to reach higher goals and get out of my comfort zone. That has led to me ultimately bettering myself in a new way. His first birthday also brings even more realization and reality to the fact, that I am done having babies.

We weren’t planning for baby #2 but it was what God had in store for us. When we found out we were having a boy we already talked about being done, since we would have one of each. We were set on getting my tubes tied or my husband getting a vasectomy. Since I was having my second c-section, it would be easier for me to get the procedure. My doctor also explained to me the risks of having a third c-section due to the unknown amount of scar tissue. That really confirmed to us that this was it. After Maxwell was delivered my surgeon/doctor told me that my uterus was thinning, so it was a good thing she was taking my Fallopian tube out. My husband and I said, this is what God wants for us and we are good with that. A year later I can’t stop thinking about it. Not in a sad way, but in a realization that I’ll never have an infant again ( at least not in the “natural” way). It’s really the end of an era. I’m happy with knowing that we can enjoy our children and continue to help them find their way and watch them grow. Plus no more pumping my breasts like cows or buying formula. Woo!

I’m very blessed to have gone through two successful pregnancies with a girl and a boy and have stretch marks to show it. I’m excited for the many more moments I have with my forever babies.