When it comes to babies, there is really no such thing as “hacks” but there are things you can do and products you can use to make life with your little one(s) easier. This list is a compilation of stuff I and three other bomb moms do to make things with baby smoother.

During Maxwell’s first 4-5 months he slept right next to me, but not in our bed. The Halo Bassinet Swivel Sleeper was the best when it came to those middle of the night feedings. I just swiveled him to me and didn’t have to leave my bed and made sure I had burp cloths near by.
Mom of 11 month old Bryce, Brittany M. likes using the Boppy Lounger. It’s an easy way for baby to sit, chill and observe. Great for when baby isn’t quite mobile when you are pumping or doing other things. It’s also more comfy than the regular Boppy.

Stacey R., mom of 10 month old twin boys Camden and Courtland, has a bomb tip of using a laundry basket in the tub. It keeps the babies contained and makes sure they aren’t slipping and/or bumping their heads. I am definitely going to try this, because once baby out grows the baby tub they like to wander about. She also uses detangler to make hair washing days so much easier, faster and less fussier, recommends the Johnson & Johnson brand because it is tear-free.

Twin babies, Camden and Courtland in laundry basket in the tub!

When baby starts getting those little teeth, it can be exciting but also painful for them. Somehow my son had eight teeth at 10 months so I had to keep thinking of things to keep him out of pain. I put his pacifiers in the freezer and he liked to bite on those. Also when traveling I put them in ice packs so I had them on the go. Bryce’s mom used Teething Relief by Camilia and says it was great for those difficult times.

Taking Baby Out
For us, when we go on road trips it isn’t always easy to pack the stroller up along with our luggage. So the carrier has been awesome. We have the Infantino Carry-On Multi Pocket Carrier. It’s easy on the back and comfortable for baby. Also great for when you are going to crowded places where strollers can be in the way.
Twin mama Stacey, recommends getting baby a new toy for long car rides to occupy them longer, while they figure our how it works. This can also work with older children.

When Baby Gets Mobile
I like to put a mat or blanket down for Max to crawl on to prevent carpet burn or to protect him from the hardwood floors. My daughter had a Peppa Pig one that is more fun and kid-friendly so we use that, I’ve also seen the large foam puzzle mats as well.
Gates! Necessary to keep baby from going where they are not supposed to go, i.e. steps, kitchens, etc.

Max on the mat
Munchkin Gate

I really like the portable high chairs, because I can easily take it when we go out of town or to my parent’s or in-laws house when they keep the kids.
Liz B., mom of 14 month old Cash, makes her own baby food so she knows exactly what is going in his food. Cash’s favorite recipes are; baked sweet potatoes blended with peas and/or carrots, and boiled peaches with blueberries and mixed into applesauce. Yummy and easy.

Babies have a lot of stuff to keep up with and I easily get overwhelmed when I don’t know where my kids things are. I have been reading Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and it has changed my way of organizing everything. We have a wardrobe for Max, and on the shelf side I fold all his clothes using the Kondo method so I can easily see everything.
Another way to save space or if you don’t have enough baby hangers, you can hang onesies upside down on a regular size hanger and save a lot of space, or even have a easy way to store extra clothes at your kid’s grandparents house or anyone that babysits them regularly.
Lastly, drawers for everything. We don’t have a traditional changing table so we got one of those clear drawers sets and I have a diaper/wipes/lotion section, bottles/bibs sections and towels/sheets section. So everyone knows where every thing is especially when people come to our house to watch the kids.

For parents
Don’t forget about yourself. Liz, recommends using Whats The Fuss by Frida baby. It comes with everything; snot sucker, tool to help relieve gas for baby, nail clippers & file and for mama it has the “mom washer” to gently clean down there after vaginal delivery. She suggests adding witch hazel for extra relief.
Brittany and her husband took four hour shifts during the first few weeks so they could get rest and get things done and to allow them to build individual special bonds.

I hope these will help you or inspire you to make things easier for yourself and baby. Please comment if you have any tricks or cool products that parents and babies will love.

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