My husband and I were blessed to go to Negril, Jamaica for our 5 year wedding anniversary, it was amazing and life-changing. We went in the beginning of November, but the weather was a beautiful 80+ degrees, we stayed at Couples Negril Resort and enjoyed some wonderful experiences.

The experiences and the long-lasting feelings they gave us afterwards are unforgettable. We went on an excursion called Rastasafari. In the excursion it is usually a group of people that tour the local village with ATV rides and enjoy some delicious native cuisine. There was another couple that was supposed to go on the excursion with us but they cancelled last minute. Lucky for us it was a private more intimate tour. We got to know the villagers on another level and really connect with the culture.

I didn’t expect to have such a spiritual and emotional journey while on the Rastasafari, at the end of the trip on our way back to the resort I found myself getting choked up and emotional because I felt the love of the Lord upon my husband and I. This was a goal of ours since we got married and the fact that it was happening in such a genuine way was so special. The people we met will forever feel like long distant cousins and the lessons they taught us will forever stick with us.

It impacted my life because I got to experience a part of a country I wished to go to for so long but also because it gave me many moments to appreciate all the things I have in life. I became so much more thankful for the blessings I have in my life and also more determined to keep working hard for more abundance. I met people that I will never forget and can say I truly care for them and hope the best for them, even after one time meeting them. I also rediscovered the side of my husband and my self that was stress-free and not worrying about being parents or the pressures of adulting.

I want to share this journey with you all because I think it’s important to take a trip, with someone you love, that means something special to you both. It doesn’t necessarily mean hop on a plane and go somewhere far, it could be a stay-cation in your own town. But wherever you go be immersed in the culture and the people and be present with the person that you are with.

I like to reinforce on Mommies R Bomb, that time for yourself is the best thing you can do as a parent. Your mental health and sanity is a big part of being a good parent, and if you allow the stresses to build up, you’re going to break or not be the best you. If you can in anyway take at least 24 full hours to just be you and enjoy your life.

Here is a video of our trip!

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