past year of life cover

My birthday is January 22nd, just a few weeks after the year has begun it is a perfect transition into a fresh new year. I just turned 32 years old and with birthdays comes time to reflect. I have been thinking about what I have done and what I have yet to accomplish. My hopes and goals for this next year of life and overall feeling of gratitude. This post is probably more so for me than for you, but let’s think of it as a show and tell. Walk with me on this reflection of this past year of life.

Ego vs. Confidence

When I turned 30 I gained a lot of confidence and felt like it was time to start showing it. With that I began doing more self care and being prideful in myself. While my confidence has been growing since then, in a way so has my ego. I found that maybe even more so when I fed into that “bad bitch” vibe. I am realizing that being confident has to have it’s boundaries so you don’t cross over that line into ego. In this past year of life I have had to learn how to silence my ego. I am still learning, but I realize if I focus my thoughts off of myself and how much of a baddie I am, lol, then I can remain humble and have confidence.

Mental Health In This Past Year of Life

Just like my priority in self care has shifted so has my priority in staying mentally healthy. I really have gotten into meditating, deep breathing and staying present. In doing this I have matured just a little bit, in this past year of life. I say that because with meditation comes controlling how I react to situations and being aware of my feelings and why I am feeling that way. When these athletes and people in the public eye speak on their mental health, I find that comforting. It helps me know that we all have our struggles but we can realize them and adjust accordingly. I want to continue to do this in my next year of life.


For most of my life I have worried about what other people think of me. I wouldn’t do a lot of things because I was afraid of being judged by others. That was until I joined Burn Boot Camp and really starting learning independence and being okay with myself. Sometimes I can be awkward or nerdy but I am slowly learning how to embrace that and just be me. I hope in this 32nd year of life that I will be my most authentic self and not worry about what others think. So I can pass that mindset on to my kids.

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