During this pandemic and quarantine I have had some extra time to get more creative at home. For a lot of my crafts and recipe ideas I turn to Pinterest. Sometimes they turn out really great and a lot of the time they don’t quite hit the mark, I will share those with you.

Chicken tenders are one of my favorite comfort foods. My mom use to make them homemade for us and it was one of the first recipes that I made when I got my own apartment in college. But over the years I’ve been trying to perfect it. So I tried this buttermilk chicken tender recipe and this one actually turned out great!`

Almost everyday during quarantine I have to think of something new or exciting for the kids to try or do. I found these cool plastic boats you can make out of recycled plastic bottles. Because we’ve been mostly eating at home we had plenty of bottles to use. The weather was warm enough to go “swimming” so I thought ‘great I can use the kiddie pool we got in the fall and the kids can get in the pool with the boats’. So we made the boats to the best of our ability. Without the help of a hot glue gun and waterproof crafting material it didn’t turn out exactly the same.

I’ve actually tried ice cream in a bag before I saw it on Pinterest. I made it with orange juice and it turned out okay. I’ve been craving ice cream but I prefer the lactose-free kind for obvious reasons, but it’s pricey so when I saw this version of vanilla ice cream I decided to make it. For consistency and texture it didn’t turn out that well, I think I used too much ice, but as for the flavor it turned out really good and I devoured it with my chocolate brownie.

While we are on the topic of desserts, cookies are my favorite. I saw this recipe for red velvet- chocolate chip cookies and I was like oh yes I have to try this out. This was a win for me and the whole family loved them as well. They turned out perfectly moist and soft with the right amount of crunch on the edges, mmm delicious.

Field day for Mila was last Friday and I decided to use some of the games I found on Pinterest to play. One of the games was laser maze, where the kids have to try to get through the “lasers” without touching them. It looked pretty easy to set up and fun for the kids. So what happened is I got too excited about doing the set up and I started in the middle and didn’t move the vacuum so it was a little messed up. But the kids enjoyed it and we ended up doing it again (without the vacuum) the next day.

Another activity we did was the diy ring toss. I let my daughter paint the “rings” and I decorated the paper plates and paper towel rolls for the toss. It looked really nice, but the way the paper plates flew was way off. They were too light and it made it hard for them to actually go around the cylinders. I did not get one ring in, but the kids still had fun trying.

I will of course be trying out more stuff on Pinterest and hopefully having more success than fails. Share with me what kind of stuff you have tried out and if it worked or not.

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