With 2021 ending similarly to 2020, most people will be celebrating at home to avoid coronavirus. Just because we are home does not mean that we have to be bored. Make the most of this added time with our families and celebrate New Year’s Eve at home. Even if you don’t want the kids to stay up until midnight, you can still have a countdown and be festive. Check out these easy ways your family can celebrate New Year’s Eve at home. Let’s get ready to say hello to 2022 with cheers and festivity.
DIY Confetti
I have been making confetti at home since I was a kid. I remember cutting up paper with my sisters and throwing it in the air at midnight. This is probably the easiest New Year’s Eve at home activity to do with the kids. You only need two supplies; scissors and paper (colored optional). Cut the paper in as small of pieces you want, I usually do 1″ x 1″. If your kids can’t use scissors yet, have them fold the paper instead. Once cut, put in a container and throw them in the air at the end of your countdown. Vacuum for easy clean up.
Celebrate New Year’s Eve at home with decorations

A key to celebrate New Year’s Eve at home with your kids, to get them excited visually. I went to Dollar Tree and got a lot of easy items that make the night a little bit more festive. They have a wide selection of glow in the dark items, I got a pack of glow sticks and a glow in the dark horseshoe game. Do not expect them to last longer than two days max. I also got festive hats, party blowouts and confetti tubes to add to the homemade. My daughter says she can’t wait, and already added some decoration to her hat. These items can give the feel of being at a party without the party hassle.
Celebrate New Year’s Eve at home with game night
While you have your decorations up and your party hats on, keep the party vibe going with a game night. This is a good way to get the kids energy out. An easy way to celebrate New Year’s Eve at home is to turn on your favorite jams and let everyone bust out their best moves during a dance party. Play a few rounds of Uno or a board game like Twister or Guess Who. If you don’t have games, play something simple like “The Floor is Lava” or “Hide and Seek”. These will help the time go by and make for some fun bonding time.
Sparkling juice for a toast

Us grown ups have their champagne and give a toast at the end of the night, let the kids have their version as well. Martinelli’s and Welch’s have delicious options for sparkling juice. I got both of these juices for only $5 from Kroger. Plus I got the cute plastic champagne glasses from Dollar Tree. So just $6 for your kids to feel like they are having a little bubbly to celebrate New Year’s Eve at home. This is also a good alternative for those adults who don’t drink in your family.

There is only one TNT product that I feel comfortable with, sparklers. They are the slim sticks that you light at the end and sparkle as they burn down the stick, but not too close to your hand. Sparklers are a fun visual to end the night in when you celebrate New Year’s Eve at home. Firework safety is important, that is why I stick with the sparklers, whatever you choose make sure everyone is aware of the rules. I got these sparklers from the actual TNT shop, but I know they sell the smaller ones in Walmart or local grocery stores.
For my family, this year was a year of knowledge and growth. We are blessed to have had some really cool experiences and trips. I’m thankful that we have been moderately healthy during this pandemic. It excites me to see the growth of Mommies R Bomb. I appreciate every person that has taken the time to read or share or like. My plans for next year for my family, myself and this blog and big. I wish you all a very Happy New Year!