Do you ever get to the point where if you hear one more ,”MOMMY!” or waking up at 3am by a crying baby that you might lash out on everyone. Then it seems like you’re experiencing parental burnout. It’s always a good idea to take some time for yourself, for your sake, your kid’s and your partner’s sake. You heard the phrase “if mom’s not happy, no one is happy.” I’m pretty sure that applies to me and my family. So make sure you do yourself a favor so you can give your family, friends and peers the best you they can get.

Here are some ways to get some “me time” and keep being the Bomb mom that you are.

  1. Get a manicure/pedicure: Great way to give your hands and/or feet a little massage and you can get away for an hour or so
  2. Get your hair done: Also like a mani/pedi, having someone take care of you and massage your head makes you feel great. Plus you get to leave feeling your best
  3. Take “me time” at home: Short on time, or don’t really feel like spending money then have a getaway at home. Have your spouse or someone watch the kids and take a bubble bath or read a good book. I am reading Michelle Obama’s Becoming, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and have The Mister on Audible and it’s a great escape book to listen to.
  4. Girls Night Out: No one has as much fun going out than your other mom friends, because they don’t know when they’ll get the chance to do it again. Go to a place that has good drinks and good music and have a good time
  5. Dinner Date: Get a sitter and go out with your partner and have a nice dinner and cocktail, try not to talk about the kids and be in the moment
  6. Get some fresh air: A lot of times we find ourselves inside all day, the weather is getting nicer so take advantage of it, without the kids. Go on a walk or a bike ride or just go to a park and have a picnic by yourself

I hope these can help you get back to you and give your family the best you they can get.

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